Wednesday, 28 October 2009


I wanted to say sorry to the loyal followers of the blog for not being more regular with my postings. I promise to try harder in the future. For today's post I wanted to give a little info on some of my favourtite characters. I have previously mentioned the douen, who are children buried before being baptised that come back to lure young children into the woods and forest. In the past, the story of the douen like most stories of these characters were told to scare young children not to run off and to stay close to home. I would like to revamp this notion of the douen. In my work in progress I choose to portray the douen as more of a playful character, as it is a child. The La Diablesse or woman of the night, bears one cloven foot and she entices men at bars to take her home. She wears a broad rimmed hat that covers most of her face. Usually once the man in taken into the woods, she reveals her colven foot and shows her mangled face. Her story is one of a woman betrayed by men and so she wants to lead them into the woods where they will usually meet their death. The moral of her stories act as warnings to young men to never stray for the femme fatale. Again, I believe that her story can be updated, after all she was the woman wronged :0) The Soucouyant or ball of fire is a creature that transforms at night to suck the blood of anyone that she believed mistreated her. She sheds her skin at night when she transforms into fire. She also must greet the person whose blood she drank the previous night face to face the next morning. She will slowly drain this person of their blood causing death. Again, the soucouyant's story is meant to teach manners and politeness to all as you never know who may be a soucouyant.

I will bring up other characters soon but please let me know of any that you have found. In the next posting I will relay ways to protect yourself should you encounter any of these characters.

Keep on rescuing and posting.


1 comment:

  1. And is it not true that when you suspect someone to be a soucouyant you wait outside their house and when they fly out you go in and put salt on the skin that is kept in a jar so it shrinks and they can't get back into it, thus killing the creature!! I have that in the back of my mind
