Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Hello there

So here's the deal...

I am wondering if there are others out there like me who are of Caribbean heritage and interested in the mythology and folklore of the Caribbean. The stories of La Diablesse, Soucouyant, Papa Bois and others fascinated me as a child and I have been greatly disappointed to discover that many of the younger generation (not trying to divulge too much about my age :O) do not even know the names of these characters or their stories. Yet, they can fully describe Gollum, or even quote from Twilight. My aim for this blog is to resurrect these characters of Caribbean mythology and folklore with stories, new and even old, poems, plays anything that can re-ignite the fire and passion from whence these stories came. I am urging anyone out there that is interested in "saving the La Diablesse so that we can save this world of oral tradition", (note my use of Heroes terminology), my weak attempt at making these stories relevant for a younger crew :O) to please log on and send my your feelings. In short I am recruiting heroes for this cause. Log on, say something, learn something and be a hero!!!!

Your fellow fighter


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